Thursday, January 26, 2006


Finally the OC starts to get interesting and they finally add the new character. How hot is mini-coop even though she's underage. She's like a pre-coke and insanity Lindsay Lohan.

I didn't catch much on this episode but some of my favorite parts are as follows.

I love how mini-coop is dating that older guy and when Ryan tells him she's 14 his response is "14, she told me she was 16!" He's saying I only thought I was raping a freshman in high school, not a seventh grader. I thought they would have at least said she told him she was eighteen or even seventeed. This was odd.

It still bothers me how serious every conversation that Marissa and old sideclops Johnny Brah have is so serious, but now I'm starting to turn. It seems to be working for him. My new way to pick up woman, even though I can't go out on Thursdays anymore, is to be ultra serious. Maybe this will work. Like dropping lines when Marissa was talking to him like "I guess I'm saying I just need you out of my life."

I wonder if girls would fall for "I guess I'm saying I need your warm body at my place with me naked." Could I keep a straight face? I'll photoshop anything anyone wants or do something on the Joe C if someone tries something along these lines successfully.

The Genital warts shit was remotely funny.

The Gus line "Gus- I'm not opening the door, even if you have candy"

Funny line too soon? Julie: "I'm like the Gulf coast, what's one more hurricane"

Lastly, as reported by the National Enquirer months ago Seth was pushing for more edgy story lines because he feels like he carries the the time he was bashed and told to come back down to earth, but now the drug habit that he prayed for is coming true. That little winy bitch got his pot storyline. And as usual the National Enquirer scoops the world...damn that's good reading

"Can you excuse me--bunch of coffee small bladder"

hopefully pics after tonights episode if i'm feeling up for it...and Will, you update more often before you start bitching on my site, you're like a broke ass Cohen...

Joe C you all later...

Safe Sex on the Beach

#2 I'm going to keep this one brief because all the military terms and phrases thrown into this episode drove me nuts.

Thank god in this episode Marissa gets back into the private school because that storyline was getting so old, even though I wouldn't mind having a "Free Marissa" t-shirt.

Who the hell wrote this episode with all the military lines too, so obnoxious, here are some examples:

"It's an honor to share your foxhole"
"Stand down private" "get your ass back in gear"
"Surrender much?, Napoleon Waterloo retreat. Raise the white flag"
they need help from "General Townsend"
"I don't know if I'll be able to make it back from this"

The trailer park hilarity continued too. Julie was eating pork rinds and the new love interest Summer's dad pops the old "when in Rome" and they both eat them.

and Gus gets his old one line "I don't want any pigeon pie gus!"
Gus is the only thing that keeps me watching this show.

Lastly, that whole board room scene was predictable and tedious...give me a break, I was looking forward to meeting Mini-Coop in this episode.

I think Johnny Brah is a side clops, meaning that one eye is higher than the other. Notice they always shoot him from the side.

You might have missed: The banner at the end for the senior pic, not only was it in January, but it said "Don't Forget" on the left then "Senior class photo" in the middle and "Today 9 A.M." on the right. If you saw the banner you were there for the pic because the banner was for that same day it was put up.

Favorite quick lines: (me and tommy discussed how we like the fast dialogue) Julie and Mr. Summer "You want a" "drink" "yeah"- nice.

Finally, who wouldn't want to find out what would go on with that crazy hottie Taylor involving "candle wax, tube sox, and the new fionna apple cd" that sounded awesome.

Pretty weak, but whatever... I'll Joe C you later

I told you gus i'm not going to your Christmas party, even if you are deep frying a ham...

I'm a bit behind, so I'm going to do three at once with no pics...only hardcore OC fans need read these Tommy...

#1 "My Chrismukkah forecast calls for trouble"

To begin with, the trouble is the same old shit, it seems now that the OC truly is recycling story lines. As Trini keeps saying maybe the OC can't hold a torch to Melrose Place...we'll see what happens when they attempt to go to college.

Cooper Scooper

Anyone else already sick of the Johnny Brah and Coop relationship. I'm sick of how serious every single one of their conversations are and how at the age of 18 and with a small yet hilarious car accident his life is already over.

Some serious Johnny Brah quotes from this ep...

"I was kinda' gettin' tired of surfing anyway"

"I get it, so the rich people pay for the poor kid" (referring to getting money for his surgery)

This should be his tagline "Don't ask questions you don't want answered"

(About him) "slight of build and on crutches...he's like our own tiny tim"

Oops, thought there were some bad jewish comments referring to ryan's bar...

"Hercle the jewish clown and we'll get DJ Herchglinmger"

"That's the problem with the jews right there, we have no concept of marketing"

"Jews don't believe in saints--only really good stand-up comics"

Things you may not have noticed:

In a scene with Johnny, Ryan, and Johnny's mom Ryan looks directly at her boobs for a good second..."you're supposed to peek with a poke"

When Johnny was about to rob the Rock View Mini Mart the gate is closed over one of the doors on the way in "we're closing" and is open on the way out. I'm not even going to get into how absurd it is that he left the party to go rob a mini mart. Too dumb to even talk about.

My favorite new thing going on in the OC is the fact that Julie plays the stereotypical white trailor trash when she's back at the park. If I had Tivo that would be the only part I would watch. I hope Gus makes a few more appearances.

Julie referring to not telling Marissa about her new home "What (tell her) that her mom is now a Jeff Foxworthy fan?" (while spitting skol into a can- I wonder how much that costed skol)

She's listening to country christmas songs in the trailer and wears trashy clothes when in there, but looks her normal self when out.

I had a bunch more, but I don't really feel like making fun of the young seth at the original Bar...

"This is my funeral not my barmitzfah and you said Summer Roberts was coming" fuckin' creep

I'll Joe C you later