Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Marissa Cooper Funeral 1: The Uncouth One

I have to admit that I missed the episode so I've decided to do my own take...This will be the first in a series. I thought I'd start with the one that's kinda' disturbing. I'll show it in and out of context.

Ryan what have you done?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

wanna' be a balla, shot calla?

Ah, R. Kellys limo for my cous' wedding...and some weird eighties dude posing in front of the car.

now you have a choice of angles for your myspace, happy?

"I wonder which team she's rooting for in the world cup"

you guys should go to the note more often though, it actually is a good time, especially when katie dances like a maniac and freaks out the scary guys there.

so there's four of us to this table...maura, joe, joe, and katie. Maura and joe are obviously together, but this guy still has the tenacity to hit on katie at the table. It was a seinfeld moment. So i asked him "why did you assume that we weren't together" He replied "because you look far too attractive for her"...no he really said that i didn't have enough bracelets on to look like i fit into this scene, while katie's hat fit right in...

is it just me or is the blogging scene getting pretty boring and i'm looking at tommy and yishai...welcome back boomie and bravo will for being the most consistent...

Friday, May 05, 2006

So the bar crawl really did happen?!

click on it and zoom in and you'll see the story, in the police report they commented that he was really small, but i guess it didn't make the paper

they were giving these out on the quad this week, it's nice to see they still have a sense of humor.