Thursday, January 26, 2006

Safe Sex on the Beach

#2 I'm going to keep this one brief because all the military terms and phrases thrown into this episode drove me nuts.

Thank god in this episode Marissa gets back into the private school because that storyline was getting so old, even though I wouldn't mind having a "Free Marissa" t-shirt.

Who the hell wrote this episode with all the military lines too, so obnoxious, here are some examples:

"It's an honor to share your foxhole"
"Stand down private" "get your ass back in gear"
"Surrender much?, Napoleon Waterloo retreat. Raise the white flag"
they need help from "General Townsend"
"I don't know if I'll be able to make it back from this"

The trailer park hilarity continued too. Julie was eating pork rinds and the new love interest Summer's dad pops the old "when in Rome" and they both eat them.

and Gus gets his old one line "I don't want any pigeon pie gus!"
Gus is the only thing that keeps me watching this show.

Lastly, that whole board room scene was predictable and tedious...give me a break, I was looking forward to meeting Mini-Coop in this episode.

I think Johnny Brah is a side clops, meaning that one eye is higher than the other. Notice they always shoot him from the side.

You might have missed: The banner at the end for the senior pic, not only was it in January, but it said "Don't Forget" on the left then "Senior class photo" in the middle and "Today 9 A.M." on the right. If you saw the banner you were there for the pic because the banner was for that same day it was put up.

Favorite quick lines: (me and tommy discussed how we like the fast dialogue) Julie and Mr. Summer "You want a" "drink" "yeah"- nice.

Finally, who wouldn't want to find out what would go on with that crazy hottie Taylor involving "candle wax, tube sox, and the new fionna apple cd" that sounded awesome.

Pretty weak, but whatever... I'll Joe C you later


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