The New Joe C.
I have way too much time on my hands...actually i really don't, i have two fifteen page papers due next week that i haven't started and I still spend all my time on this bullshit. Sorry if you aren't in it and want to be, Tommy takes up most of the space. If you really want to be on it send me a picture that will work and I'll see what I can do. Goddamn I'm a dork...
Joe C you all later...
great. pastey, fat, and drunk. just what i need to fit into the newport elite.
all embarrassment aside, that is a great piece of work.
i want to see one with the whole gang. i highly encourage everbody to submit a picture. i'll submit one that is slightly more flattering.
how about the one of me diving off of JP's dock?
This is and dumbest fucking site i have ever seen, what a fucking dork. Joe you must never get pussy to spend this much time working on this shit. Go get some puss and get away from the internet. You will soon be online as much as zeman.
how lame are base a good chunk of your life on wathing and commenting on a pop culture show, do you not have anything better to do with your life. Get a goddamn life and my money is that you are a virgin
who are these assholes? and more importantly, which one of them wants to fuck me?
god these guys are assholes. i'll kill the shit out of them with you joe
You're doing great work here at the 'C. You're boldly trailblazing into a territory that - deep down - cripples the Kevin Keiths of the world with fear. I particularly enjoy the updated group photo. So much, in fact, that I'm making it a point to catch the season premiere later this month. I saw those ads about the bitchy younger sister coming back from prep school and I was sold.
If more babes had access to this site you would be swimming in puss, and I'm not just saying that because I'm family.
I didn't watch yesterday, and have no idea what happenned. Judging from the previews I am guessing the Marissa got back into the school. Please do a layout.
the Joe C shall be updated when i return to school...Joe D. of the Joe C.
the new joe c is becoming the same old joe c
It's been over a month. You've failed again. I'm cancelling your link in one week from today.
I like the threats
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