Thursday, November 17, 2005

f the the homunculus and his gay lover the euro homunculus

"the surf nazi"

Ah, so Volchuk is back and a bigger pussy than ever. What was the deal with this fight challenge and them Volchuk following around the whole c group wherever they went? Did you notice that no matter how obscure of a place they were at Volchuk was there. I think he wants a good fisting from Ryan, and not like the way it was with the punching bag.

Anyone else notice this ridiculously huge headline of the newspaper pops was reading on the couch? I can't believe they had someone recreate a newspaper for the whow with this absurd headline.

"why don't you just fight him?" Brah argued...
"Chino is retired, I hung up the hoodie" ryan responded sarcastically

Goddamn was this hilarious, but going back to the whole show about volchuk following them and wanting to fight ryan, since when do fights have to be set up like this? Ryan took the biggest cheap shot punch to volchuk the week before, but he has to have this elaborate setup and build up to the fight? And when volchuk was carving "little bitch" onto the car was it not the loudest scratching noise you've ever heard, it was like rubbing two jagged metal trains together. And who wouldn't call the police when a dude keys your nice car like that, you just say "forget it" and walk away? And pops didn't care either, "Ah, so thats why my car is decorated."

And Will, when the fight finally went down Volchuk actually did say "oh and you brought your bro Harper." Good work, you're ahead of the curve, but now i gotta' make fun of you...

"in the fourth grade she was against making the school handicap accessible, she said it was reverse darwinism"

Ok, another absolutely absurd quote, but the romance is really starting to brew between these two nerds, but i think if i were cohen i would lead her on for at least a couple more episodes and get more gifts. Or maybe he can get summer and taylor in a gift giving war, ah, just in time for christmuckah or however the fuck you spell that. Goddamn though, Taylor keeps getting better and better, notice that when a relationship might be about to start they keep making that actress better and better looking? And goddamn you gotta' love those girls with low self-esteem, i go out every night trying to find one of those, but can never quite seal the deal. Awwww, "even the grinch had that little dog." I'd dog her grinch, or something...
"you're a new darker ryan"

Ah, i had to throw R. Kelly into here, who saw south park this week where he made a "trapped in the closet cameo," fuckin' classic. But yeah, this new creepy ryan is great, and don't worry, i'm getting to the best scene ever on the OC, the final punching bag incident...

Oh, and speaking of black people, i think we had about our second black person on the OC, the first was some extra in the background at that party with the drugs. But, the black guy was a security guard, he can't get a decent job because George Bush hates black people, but notice how when ryan and volchuk get into the little pushing match Ryan pushed him, but Volchuk got kicked out. I guess the poor security guard can smell his own kind and knows that he's not rich enough to be in that ultra hip club...too far, ah fuck it...

"volchuk dropped a sink on a guys head because he snaked his wave"

Who the hell writes for this show? But, how does one get a sink, get into a situation where you're standing above someone on lets say the pier, you have time to go to your car, or maybe home depot, pick up the sink, and then drop it on that guys head. I don't know about this one.

Ah, another classic line: "Fighting a guy is one thing, when it comes to upsetting a lady I'm a total coward."

Who the hell didn't laugh when they heard that one, but ryan and brah continue to be friends, when the fuck is he going to bash someone with something again though? Ah, but I was thinking maybe he lives in the same trailer park that marissa's mom is moving into and a little romance will begin, oh shit, nevermind, he gets hit by a car. I don't think this car crash is going to kill him, but possibly make marissa and him closer as she nurses him back to
"Im going to use my head for once with this fight"

Ah, so I see Ryan has played knifey two by four before. This stand off was ridiculous, but damn that ryan is getting smarter, just in time for college!
meet me under broken bottle and two by four pier, i've got marissa.
"he's got her" ryan exclaimed

His reaction really was "he's got her" as if it was just a matter of time before volchuk kidnapped her. And seriously, where did the bottles and two by fours come from, and when ryan said he was going to use his head on this one how would he have known there was going to be a bottle there for him to use, thank god they didn't meet at paper towels and kleenex pier or maybe pillows and comforters pier, that wouldn't have worked either. I wonder if now Volchuk and the whole "old balls surfer tommy's age crew" are now gone from the show, or maybe there new thing is hit and runs...
"you really wanted to punch him didn't you?" Marissa inquired

Yes, yes, yes, finally getting to one of the greatest moments to ever take place on the OC, old ryan punching the bad by himself until the knuckles get bloody, fuckin' classic. They really seem to be going overboard with how much he needs to punch things, its like he's retarded. He's like will the caveman up there, except unlike will's vice of masterbating constantly and picking his nose and eating it, ryan has an animal urge to punch. It would be hilarious to cut all of the scenes throughout the seasons together to how often he's punching things. At least it seems that this obsession with punching is driving a wedge in his relationship, so we finally all get more time to watch him punch things, not makeout with what's her puss, well thank god theres a two week hiatus because this takes up way too much of my time, quite frankly its embarrasing how long I spend on it...

so have a happy thanksgiving and I'll Joe C you all later...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

"You look tired, too much coffee" "no" "nightmares" "i'm in love with you"

Uh oh, old second guess Johnny Brah is moving close into Marissa's junk...oh man my public school was just like this. But wait, he has things in common with Ryan too, it's like those three would make the perfect boyfriend boyfriend girlfriend combo, they've been complaining about too much sex on tv lately and FOX having a gross double team threesome could really anger a few people.
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Johnny Brah
"Chino is a pretty good training ground" Ryan

Lord Volchok o' mort

And ooh, spicy, an all new feud with the old burnt out surfers, notice how flabby the one guy to the left of Volchok looked? I know the whole cast is thirty, but that dude is pushing forty...none of us want to watch an OC with a hole bunch of Tommy's running around, his blog is boring as it is...

So I watched the seinfeld today, the jerk store one and I thought, eh, now's a decent time to bring that back, it's still fairly funny, but then that one jackass who had about thirty seconds of screentime to bash the misunderstood Taylor every time she spoke yelled out...

"You were all geek at geek camp"

damn, I have a feeling this one is around for keeps, damn good stuff...
Ah, the bloody bat to beat the alcholic father...I thought they went a bit far with this one, but do I smell another bloody object when Johnny Brah just loses time again. Who wants to bet that in the next few episodes we have a bloody surf board or even better a bloody Chili.
Last but not least, did anyone catch it when Johnny Brah and Ryan were having there cute little meal at the end that Ryan said he wants "A cheeseburger...extra fries." I don't know why I got such a kick out of this, he didn't order large fries or an extra order of fries, he just wanted extra fries with that cheeseburger...classic

So, with this OC the same old shit story lines are repeating themself. Johnny and Marissa possibly having a thing...misunderstood Taylor going after Seth...Chili puting the heavy press on Summer...and Ryan jerking off in the pool house thinking about punching dudes in the face. This new villain Volchuk bores me and this feud seems like it's going to get tedious, whatever happened to the good old OC, overdoses, guns, and how much do the ratings have to dip to kill off another character? And goddamn, for the older crowd like Tommy, why can't any of these young broads go after the older dudes? Is the dean totally written out now and no longer psuedo-banging taylor, or maybe the dean will start hooking up with her controlling mother, eh?

Either way, i'm looking forward to when Johnny Brah loses it again like he did with his father, if only Marissa was an alcoholic now, that could get funny.

Last and least, who are these girls that predict their boyfriends to fall in love with other people and then cheat on them. I'm going out tonight and that is my new pick up line...
"Hey, is that your boyfriend over there talking to that girl?"
"It looks like they might fall in love, lets get back at him before he has the chance to really do something with her"

pure genius...i'll joe c you all later

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I should have started the blog with this, but i was too lazy

Monday, November 07, 2005

Welcome to the Joe C. bitch...

so the oc was back on, as i said to tommy who was hangin' out with a girl for once in his life, it was "the most anticipated oc of the decade," and oh man it was a doozy. Ryan is back in school after the dean got caught makin' out with that crazy chick with blackmail ensuing, you ain't got no pics on that sidekick 2 pops! You bluff like a champ! And notice how he couldn't open it when he tried to, priceless...The other big thing going on is this new story line with Jerri Ryan, this I have no idea what is going on, so that can be looked at. Obviously she has money and is using Marissa's mom for leverage, but that's up in the air. Call me crazy, but I think mischa barton's acting is slightly improving too.

Also, did anyone else think "pussy" as soon as they saw ryan walk into that diner, i wanted a couple of good fishing boat episodes with some stereotypical characters thrown in.

joe c you later